Prefab Sprout

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The Devil Came A-calling Teclado

Prefab Sprout



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The Devil Came A-calling

(Paddy McAloon)


    Em(add9)                                 Em7sus4 
The Devil came a-calling, we took a midnight stroll 
  A7sus4                                            Em(add9) 
I asked him what he wanted, he said, ’Your immortal soul.’ 

    Em(add9)                                       Em7sus4 
For fifty years I’ll spoil you, like the only man alive 
     A7sus4                               Em(add9) 
With power, wealth, a mansion on Fellatio Drive.’ 

    Em(add9)                                   Em7sus4 
The Devil came a-calling, all smiles and flattery 
A7sus4                                   Em(add9) 
In his hands a contract, exclusively for me. 

         Em(add9)                                   Em7sus4 
When the fifty years are over, I asked what happens then. 
      A7sus4                                       Em(add9) break 
He pretended not to hear me, but he offered me his pen. 

               Am    Am6                 Am7 
He showed me a house, it was as big as a star 
Am*               Asus4/E                      Am* 
  He said to me, ’Patrick, what d’you think so far?’ 

    Em(add9)                                   Em7sus4 
The Devil came a-calling, no brimstone fire or rain. 
   A7sus4                                    Em(add9) 
In fact, I found him charming, articulate, urbane. 

    Em(add9)                               Em7sus4 
The Devil came a-calling, charisma all the way. 
 A7sus4                                   Em(add9) break 
Imagine being master of all that you’d survey 

                 Am    Am6                    Am7 
He showed me his world, hell, he threw me the keys, 
Am*                Asus4/E                        Am* 
  Introduced me to women, they were down on their knees. 

    Em(add9)                                 Em7sus4 
The Devil came a-calling, we took a midnight stroll 
  A7sus4                                            Em(add9) 
I asked him what he wanted, he said, ’Your immortal soul.’ 

Em(add9)                                       Em7sus4 
In his hands were papers, he told me they were signed. 
   A7sus4                            Em(add9) 
 My memory is hazy, I’m sure that I declined. 

    Em(add9)                                   Em7sus4 
The Devil came a-calling, no brimstone fire or rain. 
   A7sus4                                    Em(add9)  
In fact, I found him charming, articulate, urbane. 

Em(add9)                                         Em7sus4 
In his hands were papers, he showed me they were signed. 
   A7sus4                             Em(add9)  
My memory is hazy, I thought that I declined. 
   A7sus4                             Em(add9)  
My memory is hazy, I’m sure that I declined. 

The Devil came a-calling… 
    Em(add9)                Em7sus4  A7sus4  Em(add9) 
The Devil came a-calling… 

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