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Scene Of The Crime Teclado




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Scene Of The Crime


	  It is just all over: Am-F (or F7 if it sounds better to you)-G 

(Am) Send me a sign, (Am) let me know 
(Am) Give me a time, (Am) a place I should go 
(F F7) Reach inside, (F F7) watch me grow 
(F F7) See me (G) rise. 

Scene of the crime, star of the show 
If you were mine, then we would know 
The peace of mind and seeds that we sow 
Are intertwined. 

(G) We almost made it, 
(F) But making it is overrated. 

Scene of the crime, friend or foe 
I've got a body to hide, 
You've got a body on show 
And with our bodies entwined, 
We will know paradise 

Scene of the crime, go with the flow 
Take it fast, take it slow 
Stay blind so I don't know what's right. 

(G)Our breath evaporates 
(F)Before our eyes 
(G)The ground beneath 
(F)That shakes under our (G) weight 

We almost made it, 
Making it is overrated. 

Making it is overrated 
Making it is overrated 
Making it is overrated 
Making it is overrated 

Scene of the crime 
Scene of the crime 
Scene of the crime 
Scene of the crime 
Scene of the crime 
Scene of the crime 
Scene of the crime 
Scene of the crime 
Scene of the crime 

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