Pain of Salvation

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To The Shoreline Teclado

Pain of Salvation



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To The Shoreline

(Daniel Gildenlöw)


(B ) = Not full chord, only notes 
 C/G = Normal C but G on 1st string picked 

Am  C  Am  C/G (B ) 
Am  C  D     F (B ) 

Am           C 
I'm far from sober 
Am                 C/G     (B ) 
And she's far from sane 
Am               C 
But she takes my hand and 
Am           C 
She pulls me away 

Dm                       Am   
She leads me down to the shoreline 
Dm                       Am     
She leads me down to the sea 
Dm                    Am 
She pulls me into the water 
Dm                       E 
And then she whispers to me 

Am                   C              D 
Love, you known that I can make you stronger 
Am                  C              D 
Love, you know that I can make you brave 
C                                   D                                       
But there's one thing that you must remember, 
F                E               Am 
That I am to far gone for you to save. 

-Intro like- 
Am  C   D    F  (B ) 

Am                    C 
Like sand through her fingers 
Am              C/G  (B ) 
The night slips away 
Am              C 
She gave me her body 
D             F      (B ) 
But never her name 

Dm                    Am 
I followed her to the shoreline 
Dm                    Am 
I'd follow her to the grave 
Dm                      Am 
To sinking ships in the darkness 
F                  E              Am 
And we are much to close to break away 

Am               C                D 
When I know that she will make me stronger 
Am               C                D 
When I know that she will make me see 
C                                 D 
When I know that she will make me hunger 
F                     E                 Am 
But I don't know what more she'll do to me 

-Chorus raised- 
Bm                         D              E 
And she said you know that I can make you stronger 
Bm                  D              E 
Love, you know that I can make you brave 
D                                    E  
But there is one thing that you must remember 
G                A               Bm 
That I am to far gone for you to save 

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