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Married With Children (ver.2) Teclado




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Married With Children (ver.2)

(Noel Gallagher)


E G# C#m A C B E (2x) 

Refrão 1: 

E           G#           C#m           A 
 There's no need for you to say you're sorry 
C           B     E    E 
Goodbye I'm going home  
E       G#              C#m       A 
I don't care no more so don't you worry 
C           B     E 
Goodbye I'm going home 

Verso 1: 

A7                              E 
I hate the way that even though you 
               A7                 E   
Know you're wrong you say you're right 
A7                                 E 
I hate the books you read and all your friends 
F#                             A             G           E  
Your music's shite it keeps me up all night, up all night 

Refrão 2: 

E           G#           C#m           A 
 There's no need for you to say you're sorry 
C           B     E    E 
Goodbye I'm going home  
E       G#              C#m       A 
I don't care no more so don't you worry 
C           B     E 
Goodbye I'm going home 

Verso 2: 

A7                          E 
I hate the way that you are so sarcastic 
A7                  E 
And you're not very bright 
A7                               E 
You think that everything you've done's fantastic 
F#                             A             G            E 
Your music's shite it keeps me up all night, up all night 

E G# C#m A C B E (2x) 

Verso 3: 

C#m            G#         A                   E 
And it will be nice to be alone for a week or two 
C#m             G# 
But I know that I will be right 
A               B*        A         G         F# 
Right back here with you, with you, with you, with you, 
B*        A         G           F# 
with you, with you, with you... 

Refrão 3: 

E           G#           C#m           A 
 There's no need for you to say you're sorry 
C           B     E    E 
Goodbye I'm going home  
E       G#              C#m       A 
I don't care no more so don't you worry 
C           B     E 
Goodbye I'm going home 

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