Norah Jones

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Painter Song Teclado

Norah Jones



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Painter Song

Áño: 2002 - Álbum: Come Away with Me

(Lee Alexander/J.C. Hopkins)



G7(#5)        Cmaj7 
If I were a painter 
        Fmaj7         D7 
I would paint my reverie 
   G7              E7             Am7         D7 Dm7 
If that's the only way for you to be with me 

G7(#5)            Cmaj7 
We'd be there together 
     Fmaj7           D7 
Just like we used to be 
G7             E7                 Am     D7  Dm7 
Underneath the swirling skies for all to see 

G7(#5)    D7            F#dim/E 
And I'm dreaming of a place 
      F                Cmaj7 
Where I could see your face 
Bdim7  C#dim7  Dm7    Em7    Fmaj7    F#dim7   Em    G#dim7  Am7 
And   -   I   -   think - my  -  brush  -  would  -  take  -  me  -  there 
But only... 

G7(#5)        Cmaj7 
If I were a painter 
          F       C/E D7 
And could paint a memory 
    G7               E7/G#             Am7     D7 
I'd climb inside the swirling skies to be with you 
    G7               E7/G#    Am7         D7 Dm7 
I'd climb inside the skies to be with you 

G7(#5)    D7            F#dim/E 
And I'm dreaming of a place 
      F                Cmaj7 
Where I could see your face 
Bdim7  C#dim7  Dm7    Em7    Fmaj7    F#dim7   Em    G#dim7  Am7 
And   -   I   -   think - my  -  brush  -  would  -  take  -  me  -  there 
But only... 

G7(#5)        Cmaj7 
If I were a painter 
          F       C/E D7 
And could paint a memory 
    G7               E7/G#             Am7     D7 
I'd climb inside the swirling skies to be with you 
    Dm7               G7              Cmaj9  
I'd climb inside the skies to be with you 

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