Michael Learns To Rock

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Everything I Planned Teclado

Michael Learns To Rock



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Everything I Planned

	  Chords by AdamD 

Intro: Am 

Am        F    G 
Into the fire 
       C    C/B     Am 
I'm falling like a bird 
    F     Dm 
on wire 
in a lions cave 

Am            F    G 
I'm getting dizzy 
            C       C/B    Am 
the room becomes a singing zoo 
And I can't help 
I'm falling for you 

C G Everything I planned Dm is sinking in the sand F G With a wave of heavens hand C G when you tempt me to Dm Fall in love with you F G C come on baby say it isn't true Em G Oh sweet love F G C you're really playing with my heart Em G Oh sweet love
Am F G Into the fire C C/B Am I've got a family back home F Dm Through a wire G they are on the phone Am F G I'm getting dizzy C C/B Am I try to look away from you F But I can't find my way G out of the zoo
C G Everything I planned Dm is sinking in the sand F G With a wave of heavens hand C G when you tempt me to Dm Fall in love with you F G C come on baby say it isn't true Em G Oh sweet love F G C you're really playing with my heart Em G Oh sweet love

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