Michael Kiwanuka

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They Say I'm Doing Just Fine Teclado

Michael Kiwanuka



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They Say I'm Doing Just Fine

(Michael Kiwanuka)

	  Artist: Michael Kiwanuka 
Album: Home Again 

F#                 G#m 
Here I am in Music City 
G#m             F# 
It's my time to shine 
F#                             G#m 
It's just this song it doesn't fit me 
G#m                F# 
Now I'm losing my mind 
             A#m               D#m 
If only they told me I'd be so lonely 
      G#m                     C# 
How I long for a song just to set me free 
F#                   G#m 
Here I am in a Music City 
G#m                     F# 
They say I'm doing just fine 
F#                  G#m 
Well I'm running on empty 
G#m                      F# 
I guess they'll leave me behind 
F#                    G#m 
When I'm lost they'll forget me 
G#m                F# 
Won't be coming to find me 
A#m                           D#m 
My mother telling me who they think I should be 
      G#m                     C# 
How I long for a song just to set me free 
F#                 G#m 
Here I am in Music City 
G#m                     F# 
They say I'm doing just fine 
Think I can make it now I'm nearly through 
Lord I just don't know what else to do 
F#                        G#m 
I'm crying out for a life line 
Hey you know I'd give it to you 
Trying so hard just to be true 
F#            G#m           B             C# 
Hey, I really need one more song come and set me free 
F#                    G#m 
No more leaving Music City 
G#m               F# 
it's my battle to fight 
F#                         G#m 
So I'll stay here in Music City 
G#m                     F# 
I'll try with all of my might 
Won't get the best of me 
Just you wait and you'll see 
I'll be singing my song 
I'll be flying free 
F#                 G#m 
Here I am in Music City 
G#m                F# 
And I'm doing just fine 

Note: not entirely sure on the bridge part, might be some perculiar variations of  
chords 7ths or other. 
Note2: the G#m chord sometimes switches to the 7th before going back to F# 

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