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I Love You Too Death Teclado




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I Love You Too Death



F                       G 
Let's go camping in the cold, 
                   C        Am 
Make a fire, buy a tent 
F                        G 
Envision leather getting old, 
                          C       Am 
Re-send pigeons that were sent 
F                    G 
Try to memorize your smell, 
                   C       Am 
It reminds me of a field 
F                       G 
Crickets clearer than a bell 
                              C       Am 
Have all their guys recast in steel 
F                           G 
Birds don't cry when echoes quit, 
                        C       Am 
They trail off into the fog 
F                          G 
Autumn hurts far less than sticks, 
                           C       Am 
Knowing winter's five feet tall 
F              G 
Generations of defeat 
                      C        Am 
All assuming your the worst 
F                   G 
They never tied the cans 
                     C        Am 
To the back end of a hearse 
F                         G 
Take your hand against my own, 
                          C        Am 
If there's a finger I can grip 
F                  G 
Reassure me at the ace 
                               C        Am 
Mine's a black heart you could flip 
F                              G 
I've come to terms with what I have, 
                               C        Am 
What's been given, what's been asked 
F                        G 
Turn my back against the sea, 
                          C         Am 
And beg the serpent for a dance 
F                         G 
But in the red dirt muddy towns, 
                   C        Am 
Celebration of the dark 
F                        G 
Children walking hand in hand 
                        C        Am 
With the pygmies in the park 
F                      G 
I can't touch you only once, 
                            C        Am 
You always leave me wanting more 
F                          G 
So keep my feet within the house, 
                                C        Am 
And stick my toes just past the door 
F                       G 
Let me know when I'm in love, 
Let me die when I'm in love 

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