Mellow Mood

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Only You Teclado

Mellow Mood



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Only You

Tono:  B Más
Only You Key F#F#
Only You Key GG
Only You Key G#G#
Only You Key AA(Disminuir uno tono)
Only You Key A#A#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Only You Key BB(tono original)
Only You Key CC(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Only You Key C#C#(Aumentar uno tono)
Only You Key DD
Only You Key D#D#
Only You Key EE
Only You Key FF
	  B         E    F# 
You  only you shine in 
B         E    F# 
You  only you burn in 
B         E    F# 
You  only you my yearning 
B         E    F# 
You  only you 

When me gonna tek your hands you mek i rise 
E          F# 
Everyday  everynight  everytime 
'cause you come come put your eyes in mine 
E          F# 
Girl me wish we could stop the time 
When we run then  fall then  me come around then 
E          F# 
Listen to me girl never you abandon 
Those feeling  me healing  let me be hearing 
E          F# 
When you sing a song so me nuh fearing 
Good loving forever that should be clever 
E          F# 
So inna the earth we could could mek heaven 
Brigther place we find it together 
E          F# 
And jah love is forever 

B         E    F# 
You  only you shine in 
B         E    F# 
You  only you burn in 
B         E    F# 
You  only you my yearning 
B         E    F# 
You  only you 

Yes i confess you're my brighter place 
E          F# 
Where my love is right and is good 
Tears through my face me can't tek your pace 
E          F# 
But me fight as me feel you through 
I can heal you  feel you  me go reveal you 
E          F# 
Love me a hold is gold dem can't steal you 
Always  ever  i and i together 
E          F# 
Me likkle words to you will be so tender 
No matter we race  no matter dem speaking 
E          F# 
Everyday fyah  jah love we seeking 
Giving jah ises you dem a nuh tricking 
E          F# 
Love me girl me nuh freaking 

B         E    F# 
You  only you shine in 
B         E    F# 
You  only you burn in 
B         E    F# 
You  only you my yearning 
B         E    F# 
You  only you 

When me gonna tek your hands you mek i rise 
E          F# 
Everyday  everynight  everytime 
'cause you come come put your eyes in mine 
E          F# 
Girl me wish we could stop the time 
When we run then  fall then  me come around then 
E          F# 
Listen to me girl never you abandon 
Those feeling  me healing  let me be hearing 
E          F# 
When you sing a song so me nuh fearing 
Good loving forever that should be clever 
E          F# 
So inna the earth we could could mek heaven 
Brigther place we find it together 
E          F# 
And jah love is forever 

B         E    F# 
You  only you shine in 
B         E    F# 
You  only you burn in 
B         E    F# 
You  only you my yearning 
B         E    F# 
You  only you 

( B   Dbm )(x3) 

( B   E   F#   B ) FINALIZA COM O '' B '' 

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