Mayday Parade

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12 Through 15 Teclado

Mayday Parade



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12 Through 15



Fm Ab Db Ab Db Eb Fm   
Fm Eb Fm Bbm Eb Fm 

How you are fallen from heaven,  
O Lucifer, son of the morning 
How you are cut down to the ground 
You who weakened the nations 
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds 
I will be like the Most High 
Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,  
To the lowest depths of the pit 

Fm                                               Db 
   Hey, The walls keep coming down but I'll stand  brave 
Ab                            Fm                                
Love is just an empty word you  say 
                          Db     Ab 
I found loyalty and it was  pain 

God keeps coming down cause you're afraid 
Lucifer just might be your middle  name 
                                Db   Eb 
You're the only angel that got away 

Fm Db And we're all alone now Eb F With nothing to stand in our way Db Don't swear that it's over if love is our secret Eb Ab I know you won't keep it Ab We're taking this easy Eb Bbm Cause darling, that's what dreams are made of Db This story is probably made up Eb Fm Fm Ab Db Cm Db Eb Fm So why don't you go back to sleep?
Verse: Fm Hey, Db The walls keep tumbling down but I'll stand brave Ab Fm Maybe I'm the one who's in your way Db Eb I'm the only reason love got away (love got away)
Fm Db And we're all alone now Eb Fm With nothing to stand in our way Don't swear that it's over Db If love is our secret Eb Ab I know you won't keep it Eb We're taking this easy Bbm Cause darling that's what dreams are made of Db This story is probably made up Eb Ab So why don't you go back to sleep?
BREAK: Eb (Just like you never could) why don't you dream about me? Bbm (Just like you always should) 'cause I'm the reason you're alone now Db Quit blaming everything on your hometown Ab Fm Fm Why would you say that? Fm Eb Ab Db Oh, oh, oh I think you're better off when you're on your own Fm Eb You said you'd keep me close Ab Db Cause I'm the closest thing that you've ever known Fm Eb You said the problem's in your heart Ab Db But the problem's who you are Fm Eb So leave me alone now-ow Ab Db Ab I'd rather be lonely when I scream and shout and let it out
Ab Eb We're taking this easy Bbm Cause darling that's what dreams are made of Db This story is probably made up Eb Ab So why don't you go back to sleep?
BREAK/OUTRO: Eb Why don't you dream about me? Bbm 'Cause I'm the reason you're all alone now Db Quit blaming everything on your hometown Eb Fm Ab Db Ab Db Eb Fm Why would you say that? ----------------------------------------- CHORDS SHOWN Fm = Em Ab = G Db = C Eb = D Bbm = Am F = E Cm = Bm ----------------------------------------- NOTE: - MAKES IT EASIER TO PLAY INTRO RIFF: Em G C G C D Em Em D Em Am D Em SPOKEN OVER THE INTRO RIFF: How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning How you are cut down to the ground You who weakened the nations I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the Most High Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, To the lowest depths of the pit Verse: Em C Hey, The walls keep coming down but I'll stand brave G Em Love is just an empty word you say C G I found loyalty and it was pain Verse: Em Hate, G God keeps coming down cause you're afraid Em Lucifer just might be your middle name C D You're the only angel that got away Chorus: Em C And we're all alone now D E With nothing to stand in our way C Don't swear that it's over if love is our secret D G I know you won't keep it G We're taking this easy D Am Cause darling, that's what dreams are made of C This story is probably made up D Em Em G C Bm C D Em So why don't you go back to sleep? Verse: Em Hey, C The walls keep tumbling down but I'll stand brave G Em Maybe I'm the one who's in your way C D I'm the only reason love got away (love got away)
Em C And we're all alone now D Em With nothing to stand in our way Don't swear that it's over C If love is our secret D G I know you won't keep it D We're taking this easy Am Cause darling that's what dreams are made of C This story is probably made up D G So why don't you go back to sleep?
BREAK: D (Just like you never could) why don't you dream about me? Am (Just like you always should) 'cause I'm the reason you're alone now C Quit blaming everything on your hometown G Em Em Why would you say that? Em D G C Oh, oh, oh I think you're better off when you're on your own Em D You said you'd keep me close G C Cause I'm the closest thing that you've ever known Em D You said the problem's in your heart G C But the problem's who you are Em D So leave me alone now-ow G C G I'd rather be lonely when I scream and shout and let it out
G D We're taking this easy Am Cause darling that's what dreams are made of C This story is probably made up D G So why don't you go back to sleep?
BREAK/OUTRO: D Why don't you dream about me? Am 'Cause I'm the reason you're all alone now C Quit blaming everything on your hometown D Em G C G C D Em Why would you say that?

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