Machine Gun Kelly

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Love Race Teclado

Machine Gun Kelly



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Love Race

Tono:  Gm Más
Love Race Key DmDm
Love Race Key D#mD#m
Love Race Key EmEm
Love Race Key FmFm(Disminuir uno tono)
Love Race Key F#mF#m(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Love Race Key GmGm(tono original)
Love Race Key G#mG#m(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Love Race Key AmAm(Aumentar uno tono)
Love Race Key A#mA#m
Love Race Key BmBm
Love Race Key CmCm
Love Race Key C#mC#m

  Em             C 
I found a silver ring 
    G            D 
And put it on my finger 
  Em           C 
I picked up my guitar 
    G                D 
And played it for the reaper 
Em        C 
God was a girl 
    G            D 
The devil wore a t-shirt 
Em         C 
Love is a game and they 
       G            D 
Were kissing in the bleachers 
C D     Em            D 
I don't want to be without you but 
C   D     Em            D 
I'm here, screaming by myself 
Em C G D I'm on the run Em C G D I'm on the run (I'm on the run) Em C G D I'm on the run Em C To get back to you (To get back) G D To get back to you
Em C I got a special ring G D And put it on her finger Em C A voice said suddenly G D You're never gonna keep her Em C G Please don't look behind us D The past is trying to catch up Em C G Pressures from outside us D I've got claustrophobia C D Em D I don't want to be without you but C D Em D I'm here, screaming by myself
Em C G D I'm on the run Em C G D I'm on the run (I'm on the run) Em C G D I'm on the run Em C To get back to you (To get back) G D To get back to you
Em C God was a girl G D The devil wore a t-shirt Em C Love is a game and they G D Were kissing in the bleachers Em C God was a girl G D The devil wore a t-shirt Em C Love is a game and they G D Were kissing in the bleachers
I'm on the run Em C G D I'm on the run (I'm on the run) Em C G D I'm on the run Em C To get back to you (To get back) G D To get back to you
C D Em D I don't want to be without you but C D Em D I'm here, screaming by myself
Em C G D I'm on the run (I'm on the run) Em C To get back to you (To get back) G D To get back to you (Let's go)

there is a video lesson for this song
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Aumentar uno semi-tonoAumentar uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno semi-tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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