Luke Conard

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Summer Love Teclado

Luke Conard



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Summer Love

Tono:  E Más
Summer Love Key BB
Summer Love Key CC
Summer Love Key C#C#
Summer Love Key DD(Disminuir uno tono)
Summer Love Key D#D#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Summer Love Key EE(tono original)
Summer Love Key FF(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Summer Love Key F#F#(Aumentar uno tono)
Summer Love Key GG
Summer Love Key G#G#
Summer Love Key AA
Summer Love Key A#A#
	  nd fret 

verse 1 
This is the part of a heartache 
I happily embark cause at this stage 
    F#m                             A 
The only thing at stake is hope for love 
The thrill of the chase rushes through me  
The moment when our lips meet 
    F#m                  B 
And everything gets dizzy 

E B Summer love is not enough for you and me F#m A My heart isn't changing with the autumn leaves E B Summer love is not enough for you and me F#m A My heart isn't fading with the autumn leaves E The autumn leaves
verse 2 E Hanging on every single word said B It's beating every love story I've read F#m A I can't wait to read another page E Falling much faster than before B But we don't know the riff chord F#m B I've never felt so freely
E B Summer love is not enough for you and me F#m A My heart isn't changing with the autumn leaves E B Summer love is not enough for you and me F#m A My heart isn't fading with the autumn leaves E The autumn leaves
Bridge F#m A And you took every old flame F#m A B And you blew them all away F#m A And you took every old flame F#m And you blew A B You blew 'em away
E B Summer love is not enough for you and me F#m A My heart isn't changing with the autumn leaves E B Summer love is not enough for you and me F#m A My heart isn't fading with the autumn leaves E The autumn leaves

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