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White Teeth Teens Teclado




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White Teeth Teens

(Joel Little/Ella Yelich O'Connor)

We wouldn't be seen dead here in the day 
I guess you're lucky that it's dark now 
And if I like it then we'll stay 
Impress the empress, take a shot now 

A           F#m          C#m D 
 We got the glow in our mouths 
                      A    F#m C#m 
White teeth teens are out (out) 
White teeth teens are up for it 

                            F#m                C#m D 
I know you love it when the hairpins start to drop 
I like your reckoning, but we got our methods 
            F#m      C#m    D 
And there's nothing here to stop, to stop this 

A F#m C#m 
If you want, we'll help tonight to split its seams 
                          F#m            C#m 
Give the bruises out like gifts aaahhh 
               D               A 
You'll get the picture of your dreams 
I won't be smiling but the notes from my admirers 
         C#m                D 
Fill the dashboard just the same ah ah ah 

           A            F#m C#m 
We got the glow in our mouths 
D                     A    F#m C#m 
White teeth teens are out (out) 
White teeth teens are up for it 

                            F#m                C#m D 
I know you love it when the hairpins start to drop 
I like your reckoning, but we got our methods 
            F#m     C#m     D                           A 
And there's nothing here to stop, to stop us when we're up for it 
                            F#m                C#m D 
I know you love it when the hairpins start to drop 
I like your reckoning, but we got our methods 
            F#m     C#m     D 
And there's nothing here to stop, to stop this 

A F#m C#m D 

     A                F#m 
(And everything works out so good 
  C#m                D 
I wear the robe like no one could) 
A             F#m             C#m 
 I'll let you in on something big 
D                     A 
I'm not a white teeth teen 
           F#m            C#m 
I tried to join but never did 
    D                          A 
The way they are, the way they seem 
             F#m               C#m 
Is something else, it's in the blood 
            D                  A 
Their molars blinking like the lights 
            F#m               C#m 
In the underpass where we all sit 
And do nothing and love it 

 A                F#m 
(Everything works out so good 
  C#m                D 
I wear the robe like no one could 
A                F#m 
Everything works out so good 
  C#m                D 
I wear the robe like no one could) 

           A           F#m C#m 
We got the glow in our mouths 
D                     A    F#m C#m 
White teeth teens are out (out) 
D                     A 
White teeth teens are out 

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