Lena Meyer-landrut

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Moonlight Teclado

Lena Meyer-landrut



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Tono:  G Más
Moonlight Key DD
Moonlight Key D#D#
Moonlight Key EE
Moonlight Key FF(Disminuir uno tono)
Moonlight Key F#F#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Moonlight Key GG(tono original)
Moonlight Key G#G#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Moonlight Key AA(Aumentar uno tono)
Moonlight Key A#A#
Moonlight Key BB
Moonlight Key CC
Moonlight Key C#C#

G                  Em                   C 
Ain't it crazy how life is unpredictable 
G               Em                          C 
I was always upright, 'til you turned me upside down 
You came back to my place and I 
I found myself in your arms tonight 
B                          E 
Overcome by everything of you 
      C                   D                   G 
And I hope you're not too good to be true, my baby 

G                   Em                            D 
I'm standing in the moonlight, trying to catch my breath again 
What you gone and done to me baby 
G                   Em                       D 
All shaken up and tongue tied, heart is in a mess again 
What you gone and done to me 
G     B         C            A7 
Every time you love me that way, 
G                   Em                            D 
I'm standing in the moonlight, trying to catch my breath again 
                  C              G 
What you gone and done to me baby 

Em D C 

G                  Em                      C 
Ain't it crazy how life can be so beautiful 
G                  Em                      C 
I never knew how deep your love was until I tried 
Am                             D 
I laid down on the grass and I wished you were by my side 
B                       E 
But, I need a moment to myself 
C                            D 
And I hope that you're still waiting there for me baby 

G                   Em                            D 
I'm standing in the moonlight, trying to catch my breath again 
What you gone and done to me baby 
G                   Em                       D 
All shaken up and tongue tied, heart is in a mess again 
What you gone and done to me 
G     B         C            A7 
Every time you love me that way, 
G                   Em                            D 
I'm standing in the moonlight, trying to catch my breath again 
                  C               G 
What you gone and done to me baby 

      C                           Em      
Cause every time I come this far, before I always had my doubts 
  C                       Em 
I saw the end before I saw the stars 
    C                             Em         
And now I've come to realize that you are like the evening sky 
   C                      D 
An everlasting night, an everlasting night 

G                   Em                            D 
I'm standing in the moonlight, trying to catch my breath again 
What you gone and done to me baby 
G                   Em                       D 
All shaken up and tongue tied, heart is in a mess again 
What you gone and done to me 
G     B         C            A7 
Every time you love me that way, 
G                   Em                            D 
I'm standing in the moonlight, trying to catch my breath again 
What you gone and done to me baby 

G Em D C 
G B C A7 

G                   Em                            D              G 
I'm standing in the moonlight, trying to catch my breath again - baby 

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