Justin Currie

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The Darkness Of The Day Teclado

Justin Currie



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The Darkness Of The Day


CAPO VI (that's six for you none Romans) 
All chords relative to capo 

G5, C5, G5, C5 

G      D/F#    C5 
All I want is you 
G             D/F#            C5 
A soul to see me through 
Em                     C            D             G 
Somebody to keep the darkness from the day 

Em                G                      D/F#                  G 
I'm going to the strip tonight to buy some company 
              C                      G                D                      
I'm gonna drink to every soldier I can see 

G5         D/F#         C5 
Cuz all I want is you 
G5           D/F#         C5 
A taste of what you do 
Em                           C      D          G 
Just to literally take the edge off yesterday 

Em                   G                      D/F#            G 
I'm rolling from the twisted bed back into pergotry 
                C               G                          D 
But that's better than the hell that used to be me 

G5            D/F#      C5 
Cuz all I want is you 
G5            D/F#            C5 
So come on baby be good 
Em                    C             D         G 
Take me from the darkness of the day 

Em                                               C 
But why must you confer your love on others 
In spite of what we share 
        C                      D  
Those losers aint my brothers 

G5          D/F#      C5 
Cuz all I want is you 
G5              D/F#       C5 
And together just us two 
Em                        C              D          G 
We'll drive the bloody darkness from the day 
Em                         C      D          G 
And despell the ugly hair of yesterday 

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