Johnny Flynn

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Howl Teclado

Johnny Flynn



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(John Patrick Vivian Flynn)

Tono:  Em Más
Howl Key BmBm
Howl Key CmCm
Howl Key C#mC#m
Howl Key DmDm(Disminuir uno tono)
Howl Key D#mD#m(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Howl Key EmEm(tono original)
Howl Key FmFm(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Howl Key F#mF#m(Aumentar uno tono)
Howl Key GmGm
Howl Key G#mG#m
Howl Key AmAm
Howl Key A#mA#m

If the intro doesn't make sense send me and email and ill send you a recording of what  
it should sound like 



This part is pretty loose and bluesy and no means right, but its what I can get and play  
that sounds okay. 

 Em           D 
Howl for my homeland 
C               B7 
 Wherever that was 
     Em           D 
And howl for the homage 
C                      B7 
 That's been gone and lost 

        C           G 
To the passing and temporal 
     C        G 
The eons gone by 
         C           G 
There's nothing to praise 
         C            G 
Not in earth, sea or sky 
Or was what is holy's been shot 
And in time to know 
The rest will soon follow 
         G             B7 
All the rest will soon go 

C G Stay in the light, Joe C Em Stay with yourself C G Put up a fight C B7 Don't rest on the shelf
Instrumental: C G C Em C G B7 B7 Walk down to Em into the verse Hold B7 Chord shape Verse: Em D Growl at the pedestal C B7 Growl at the pinch Em D The last of the ports C B7 Has broken the winch BREAK: C G Oh, the legacy is gone C G And the people who knew C G Have lost their minds C G Or left, there's a few B7 Who are choking on what Em And the will to hold on C With their principles pinned G B7 To the courts of above
C G Stay in the light, Joe C Em Stay with yourself C G Put up a fight C B7 Don't rest on the shelf
Instrumental: C G C Em C G B7 - 2x's B7 Walk down to Em Hold B7 Chord shape Verse: Em D Me and the teardrop C B7 Me and the mountain Em D Oh, me and the check C B7 And to meet my accountant BREAK: C G Oh, me and the wolf C G Who was eating my heart C G And me and my friends C G Who laugh in the dark B7 Oh, and you and yours two Em And you and yours three C And you and yours ever B7 with walk down And ever be free
C G Stay in the light, Joe C Em Stay with yourself C G Put up a fight C B7 Don't rest on the shelf

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Aumentar uno semi-tonoAumentar uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno semi-tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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