Jason Reeves

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Give Me One Reason Teclado

Jason Reeves



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Give Me One Reason

	  F             C   G      F 
You're not an angel  
F               C   G      F       
And I'm not the perfect man  
F              C    G      F 
But you know I love you 
F                C      G 
So why won't you let me in 

Am          F         C             G 
Give me one reason to stay and I'll stay 
Am          F         C              G 
Give me one reason to leave and I'll leave 
Am           F         C        G 
I don't need you to be me 
Am           F          C       G 
I'll be just fine being free 
      Am           F          C       G 
Yeah, I'll be just fine being free 

F, C, G, F  x2 

F             C   G      F 
You're like a shadow 
F             C    G     F 
That I cannot hold on to  
F         C   G      F 
I'm not a prison 
F        C        G      
I cannot tie you down 

Am          F         C             G 
Give me one reason to stay and I'll stay 
Am          F         C              G 
Give me one reason to leave and I'll leave 
Am           F         C        G 
I don't need you to be me 
Am           F          C       G 
I'll be just fine being free 
      Am           F          C       G 
Yeah, I'll be just fine being free 


Am, G, F, 

F               Am      G     F 
And I'll be alright  
F                  Am    G     F 
Without you on my side 
F                    Am     G    F 
I'll still sleep at night  
F                 Am          Am 
But don't make me have to 

Am          F       C      G 
Give me one reason 
Am          F       C      G 
Give me one reason 

Am          F         C             G 
Give me one reason to stay and I'll stay 
Am          F         C              G 
Give me one reason to leave and I'll leave 
Am           F         C        G 
I don't need you to be me 
Am           F          C       G 
I'll be just fine being free 
Am           F          C       G 
I'll be just fine being free 
      Am           F          C       G 
Yeah, I'll be just fine being free 
      Am           F          C       G 
Yeah, I'll be just fine being free 

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