Jamie Campbell Bower

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Better Man Teclado

Jamie Campbell Bower



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Better Man

Tono:  Em Más
Better Man Key BmBm
Better Man Key CmCm
Better Man Key C#mC#m
Better Man Key DmDm(Disminuir uno tono)
Better Man Key D#mD#m(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Better Man Key EmEm(tono original)
Better Man Key FmFm(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Better Man Key F#mF#m(Aumentar uno tono)
Better Man Key GmGm
Better Man Key G#mG#m
Better Man Key AmAm
Better Man Key A#mA#m

Capo on 5 

(palm mute) 
Intro- *Open E string  

You can cry to me like I'm somebody else 
And then you leave me alone to gather dust on the shelf of love 
  Showed you all of my faults and gave you all I had 
And then you threw it away and told me to be a man, 
But I was 

Cadd9     D/F# Em7 G   Cadd9       D/F#     Em7      G 
You won't be   wai-ting,  and I'll give the ghost of what we had 
   Cadd9 D/F# Em7 G     D/F# 
To leave me   sha-king alone 

Cadd9      D/F# Em7 G 
You   said for--e---ver 
Cadd9 D/F#        Em7            G 
Am I  supposed to leave that and just let go 
   Cadd9 D/F# Em7 G        D/F# 
So now   it's ne--ver from here 

          Cadd9         G                     Cadd9          G      
And every little step I take and every single move I've ever made 
                   Cadd9       G 
And even though my heart still aches 
Makes me a better man 
                    Em7       Cadd9                     Em7           Cadd9  
And look at all the mess I've made and I still think of you in better days 
                   Em7         Cadd9               D/F# 
And even though my heart still aches it makes me a better man 

You can cry to me like I'm somebody else 
And then you leave me alone to gather dust on the shelf of love 
  Showed you all of my faults and gave you all I had 
And then you threw it away and told me to be a man, 
But I was 

Cadd9     D/F# Em7 G    Cadd9      D/F#     Em7      G 
You won't be   wai-ting,  and I'll give the ghost of what we had 
   Cadd9 D/F# Em7 G     D/F# 
So leave me   sha-king alone 

Cadd9     D/F# Em7 G 
We   said for--e---ver 
Cadd9 D/F#        Em7            G 
Am I  supposed to leave that and just let go 
   Cadd9 D/F# Em7 G        D/F# 
So now   it's ne--ver from here 

          Cadd9         G                     Cadd9          G      
And every little step I take and every single move I've ever made 
                   Cadd9       G 
And even though my heart still aches 
Makes me a better man 
                    Em7       Cadd9                     Em7           Cadd9  
And look at all the mess I've made and I still think of you in better days 
                   Em7         Cadd9               D/F# 
And even though my heart still aches it makes me a better man 

Cadd9     D/F# Em7 G 
You won't be   wai-ting  
Cadd9     D/F# Em7 G 
You won't be   wai-ting  
Cadd9     D/F# Em7 G 
You won't be   wai-ting 
Cadd9     D/F# Em7 G 
You won't be   wai-ting 
Cadd9     D/F# Em7 G    Cadd9      D/F#     Em7      G 
You won't be   wai-ting,  and I'll give the ghost of what we had 
   Cadd9 D/F# Em7 G     D/F# 
So leave me   sha-king alone 

Cadd9     D/F# Em7 G 
You  said for--e---ver 
Cadd9 D/F#        Em7            G 
Am I  supposed to leave that and just let go 
   Cadd9 D/F# Em7 G        D/F# 
So now   it's ne--ver from here 

          Cadd9         G                     Cadd9          G      
And every little step I take and every single move I've ever made 
                   Cadd9       G 
And even though my heart still aches 
Makes me a better man 
                    Em7       Cadd9                     Em7           Cadd9  
And look at all the mess I've made and I still think of you in better days 
                   Em7         Cadd9               D/F# 
And even though my heart still aches it makes me a better man 
         G -once 
A better man 

Have fun and RATE :) 

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