Iron Maiden

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Rainmaker (ver. 2) Teclado

Iron Maiden


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Rainmaker (ver. 2)

D                 C              G 
When I was wandering in the desert  
And was searching for the truth  
D              C               G              A 
I heard a choir of angels calling out my name  
D               C                  G                   A  
I had the feeling that my life would never be the same again  
D               C                  G 
I turned my face towards the barren sun  
D                   C             Bb              C 
And I know of the pain that you feel the same as me  
D                     C            Bb             C 
And I dream of the rain as it falls upon the leaves  
D                         C               Bb              C  
And the cracks in our lives like the cracks upon the ground  
D                         C           Bb___C               
They are sealed and are now washed away  
C            D          A       G  
You tell me we can start the rain  
C               D         A      G 
You tell me that we all can change  
C            D          A         G        A           B (SÓ UM TOQUE)         
You tell me we can find something to wash the tears away  
C            D          A       G 
You tell me we can start the rain  
C               D         A      G 
You tell me that we all can change  
C            D          A         G        A           B 
You tell me we can find something to wash the tears.....  
D                   C             Bb              C 
And I know of the pain that you feel the same as me  
D                     C            Bb             C 
And I dream of the rain as it falls upon the leaves  
D                         C               Bb              C  
And the cracks in the ground like the cracks are in our lives  
D                  C           Bb___C 
They are sealed and now far away  
C            D          A       G   
You tell me we can start the rain  
C               D         A      G 
You tell me that we all can change  
C            D          A         G        A           B 
You tell me we can find something to wash the tears away  
C            D          A        
You tell me we can start the rain  
C               D         A      G 
You tell me that we all can change  
C            D          A         G        A           B 
You tell me we can find something to wash the tears.....  
D                   C             Bb              C 
And I know of the pain that you feel the same as me  
D                     C            Bb             C 
And I dream of the rain as it falls upon the leaves  
D                         C               Bb              C  
And the cracks in the ground like the cracks are in our lives  
D                  C           Bb___C 
They are sealed and now far away 
Contribuição: Fernando Silva de Araújo([email protected]) 


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