Half Man Half Biscuit

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Even Men With Steel Hearts Teclado

Half Man Half Biscuit



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Even Men With Steel Hearts

Intro: B  E F# (7x) 

B         E  F# 
Hey Louis 
B                E        F#    B                 E        F# 
Wonderful world, terrible song, everything's gone horribly wrong 
B                          E           F# 
Cars are too fast 'cos the drivers are slow  
C#m                               F# 
Joy-ride boy died and I think to myself 
     B            E    F#            B                E      F# 
From Magdalene to Sellafield there's scant regard for how we feel 
B                E          F# 
Sheep are green, dead roses too  
C#m                                     F# 
I know it sounds bleak but hey, dont despair 
     B                                                   F# 
'Cos even men with steel hearts love to see a dog on the pitch 
Even men with steel hearts love to see a dog on the pitch 
   E                                                            Em 
It generates a warmth around the ground that augers well for mankind 
    F#          E       B 
And that's what life's about 
    B                 E             F#      B                E          F# 
The raft of dreams we sailed in the bay has foundered on the reefs of today 
B                         E          F# 
Ill wind blows through my cape of no hope  
C#m                              F# 
Dock Road can-lad on the end of a rope 
    B                E      F#        B                  E       F# 
Yet by the stream in summer time, the charming lark, the country chime 
B                    E    F# 
Smite this faithless pantomime  
C#m                                      F# 
Welcome to the daylight at the back of my mind 
B                                                   F# 
Even men with steel hearts love to see a dog on the pitch 
Even men with steel hearts love to see a dog on the pitch 
   E                                                            Em 
It generates a warmth around the ground that augers well for mankind 
    F#          E      B       (B F# B E B F#) 
And that's what life's about 
B                                                F# 
Trouble is these days you never see a dog on the pitch 

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