Great Big Sea

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Born To Believe Teclado

Great Big Sea



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Born To Believe


     G                        C               D  
 The world is your oyster, so get yourself to sea 
 G                          C                D 
 Time is of the essence, so try to keep some free 
       G                             C           D 
 I'm a child and I'm a father, and I love my family 
         G                                  C              D 
 There's no place underneath the stars that I would rather be 


 We are the difference between the present and the past 
 We are the distance between the first and last 
 My life will be unlimited, and full shall be my glass 
 I am ready, I am willing and I'm able for the task!  
Am Bm D Am Bm D I was born to believe...I was born to believe G Em C Am we are one, we are strong, we can sing a different song G Em let the right shine through the wrong, C Am G we're all here were we belong...
|G C D | "No!" I'm not here to talk about freedom, I'm not here to talk about love! I'm just happy I'm still breathing, beneath the sky above You can lead your life of reason, waiting for the perfect rhyme but while you keep on wishing for the things you're missing the clock keeps ticking and it's right on time and... Chorus G Oh-oh-way-oh...Chorus G C D

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