Garfunkel And Oates

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Pretty In Buffalo Teclado

Garfunkel And Oates



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Pretty In Buffalo

C G Am F x2 

verse 1 

C             G         Am          F 
L.A. tried to tell me I wasn't very pretty 
    C                 G        Am            F 
And they don't give a prize to girls who are witty 
   C               G 
So fuck you in the face 
            Am              F 
You need to get out of this place 
       C       G 
To the flyover states 
       Am      F         C          G    Am    F 
And remember what people look like 

verse 2 

   C           G           Am         F 
In Buffalo the girls don't have to be underweight 
     C             G         Am   F 
They have hips and boobs and even menstruate 
    C         G             Am        F 
And all of my friends still have real noses 
        C              G 
And the boys like them anyway 
       Am        F 
So the problem I suppose is 
    Am                   Em 
You gotta let go of your stupid ideal 
Am                              G 
Try to see the beauty in what's real 


C G Am F I'm pretty in Buffalo C G Am F I'm a sexy bitch there, don't you know? C G Am F The boys like me in Buffalo C G Am F C G Am F And if you don't believe me, I'll tell you where you can go
C G Am F verse 3 C G Am F You say you wanna find a girl who has it all C G Am F Hotter than Gisele and funnier than Lucille Ball C G In the battle of wits and tits Am F We both know which way you'll go C G Am F But "I Love Gisele" wasn't the name of that TV show Am Em I'm from a town where mullets aren't ironic Am G So when I go home people want it
C G Am F I'm pretty in Buffalo C G Am F I'm a foxy motherfucker there, don't you know? C G Am F The girls like me in Buffalo C G Am F C G Am F And if you don't believe me, I'll tell you what you can blow
C G Am F break Am G I could wear Lee Press-On Nails C D And Carhartt gear and crunchy bangs F G And still be in the fashion show at the mall Am G I could drink beer every night C D And eat nothing but chicken wings F G And still pick up dudes at the pool hall C G Am F x4
C G Am F And I'm pretty in Buffalo C G Am F I'm all over your face there, don't you know? C G Am F They all wanna fuck me in Buffalo C G Am F C G Am F So maybe I should just pack my shit and go
outro C G Am F C let ring

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