Gamma Ray

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Farewell Teclado

Gamma Ray


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(Dirk Schlachter)

  Do you remember, 
G                          F    Am     G 
  How we used to play like kids in the sun 
C                     G 
Nowadays, there is no light to see 
          F  Am   G     
And we're feeling cold 
(F  G)  C  
 So the time has come 
           Bb               Am 
To say farewell my friends 
           Gm      F   
My fate is calling loud 
(F   G)Am                Em  
 Now I know - it can get tough 
And I don't know where I'll be tomorrow 
(F  G)  Am         
 Do you - do you wanna know it 
 I don't care about it 
F                                        Em   
 Somebody said that we could never, ever die 
Oh what a lie 
F, G, Em, F 
F, G, Am, G, F 
F                G         
You will see the light again 
      Em              F 
We'll all be free someday: 
  G            Am C      E   
I know - cause united we stand 
Am          C            G           F    
 Goodbye my friends, I'm leavin' you today 
Am           C           G             Dm       F    
 My quest is hard, but I must be on my way 
Now, don't ask why 
Am           C            G        F 
 Goodbye, my Friends 
Am, C, G, Dm, F, E 
Don't you try to stop me, 
      Bb                 Am   
All I know is: I have to go! 
               Dm                  C  
There'll be no sense in my life at all, 
(F  G)Am 
 If I stay 
You will never see it - you will never find it 
F  (F  G)Am 
Oh yes I will! 
    C                G          E  
Someone will take my place if I die! 
D, C, D, Bb (2x) 
{An old man said:} 
     G                  D              G    
Some years ago; they've tried it all before 
     D             Am 
Some men of honour left 
                   F       C                 
And searched that Land 
Bb   Am  F     D              G     
They did not return. Now it's up to you 
   D             G        Am   
To play a better game - remember 
When you're out there 
C           Bb    Am   D    C  G 
Don´t you - Don't look back at all! 
Am          C            G           F     
 Goodbye my Friends, I'm leavin' you today 
Am            C       G                Dm  F        E 
 The Quest is hard, I hope I'll find a way home one day 
Am            C            G           F   
 Goodbye dear Friends, I'm leavin' you today 
Am            C       G                Dm  F        E   
 The Quest is hard, I know I'll find a way home one day 
F                G 
You will see the light of day 
We'll all be free again 
F                  G      C 
All that's left to say is FAREWELL 


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