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A Little Party Never Killed Nobody All We Got Teclado




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A Little Party Never Killed Nobody All We Got

(Kamaal Fareed/Stacy Ferguson/David Jamahl Listenbee/Andrea Martin/Maureen McDonald/Jordan Orvash/Francesca Richard/Alexander Scott/Andre Smith)

 Standard tuning 
 No capo needed 

 verse 1 Fergie: 

 Cm                      A# 
 I ain’t got time for you baby 
 Fm                          D#  A# 
 Either you’re mine, or you’re not 
 Cm                      A# 
 Make up your mind sweet baby 
 Fm                          D#  A# 
 Right here, right now’s all we got 
 Cm                      A# 
 A little party never killed nobody 
 Fm                          D#  A# 
 So we gon’ dance until we drop, drop 
 Cm                      A# 
 A little party never killed nobody 
 Fm                          D#  A# 
 Right here, right now’s all we got 

 All these diamonds, trips around the world 

 Don’t mean a thing if I ain’t your girl 

 Cm                      A# 
 A little party never killed nobody 
 Fm                          D#  A# 
 So we gon’ dance until we drop, drop 
 Cm                      A# 
 A little party never killed nobody 
 Fm                          D#  A# 
 Right here, right now’s all we got 
 Cm                      A# 
 A little party never killed nobody 
 Fm                          D#  A# 
 So we gon’ dance until we drop, drop 
 Cm                      A# 
 A little party never killed nobody 
 Fm                          D#  A# 
 Right here, right now’s all we got 


 Cm                      A# 
 All we got, all we got, all we got, all we got 
 Fm                          D#  A# 
 All we got, all we got, all we got, all we got 

 Glad that you made it, look around 
 You don’t see one person sitting down 
 They got drinks in their hands,  
 And the room’s a bust 
 At the end of the night maybe you’ll find love 
 Fake chit chat ’bout the things they got 
 And my scout reputation keeping it hot girl 
 At the party of the year and my master plan 
 Is to make you realize I’m your man 


 Can the people get loud, underneath the moonlight 
 Hotsy-totsy, paparazzi, hold it while I take this pic 
 Speak easy, rocking the feathers I’m breezy 
 Hope you can keep up boys, cause believe me, I’m the bee's  
 It don’t mean a thing if I give you my heart, 
  If you tear it apart, no, uh, uh, ah, oh 
 It don’t mean a thing if I ain’t in your eyes,  
 Probably ain’t gonna fly, no, uh, uh, ah, oh 
 It don’t mean a thing if I give you my heart,  
 If you tear it apart, no, uh, uh, ah, oh 
 It don’t mean a thing if I ain’t in your eyes,  
 Probably ain’t gonna fly, no, uh, uh, ah, oh 

 Just one night’s all we got 
 Just one night’s all we got 
 Just one night’s all we got 
 Just one night’s all we got 

 What do you think GoonRock? 
 Are you ready? 

 A little party never killed nobody 
 So we gon’ dance until we drop, drop 
 A little party never killed nobody 
 Right here, right now’s all we got 

 A little party never killed nobody 
 So we gon’ dance until we drop, drop 
 A little party never killed nobody 

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