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What A Day Teclado




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What A Day

Tono:  E Más
What A Day Key BB
What A Day Key CC
What A Day Key C#C#
What A Day Key DD(Disminuir uno tono)
What A Day Key D#D#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
What A Day Key EE(tono original)
What A Day Key FF(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
What A Day Key F#F#(Aumentar uno tono)
What A Day Key GG
What A Day Key G#G#
What A Day Key AA
What A Day Key A#A#

 C  F  C  F   
 C  F  C  F   

C               F 
 What a day for dandelions and 
C                   F 
 Taking shade ? beneath the vine and  
C        C/B    Am      C/G      F         Ab  G 
 Walking in the park to hear the chimes 

C               F 
 What a day for kites to fly in  
C               F 
 What a day for rain to die ? in 
C       C/B    Am      C/G    F        Ab  G 
 What a day to look up at the stars 

Dm           A                F         Bb 
 And when we spend our time together, together 
Eb          Ab             Db 
 It doesn’t matter what we do 
Bb                   D                        G 
 As long as I’m with you (As long as I’m with you) 
G                    G  G/F  G/E  G/D 
 As long as I’m with you 

C               F 
 What a day for cotton candy 
C               F 
 What a day for feeling dandy 
C       C/B     Am    C/G    F                       Ab        G 
 What a day for lying by the sea (By the sea, by the beautiful sea) 

 C  F  C  F   
 C C/B  Am C/G   F  Ab G  

Dm           A                F         Bb 
 And when we spend our time together, together 
Eb          Ab             Db 
 It doesn’t matter what we do 
Bb                   D                        G 
 As long as I’m with you (As long as I’m with you) 
G                    G  G/F  G/E  G/D 
 As long as I’m with you 

C               F 
 What a day for dandelions and 
C               F 
 Taking shade ? beneath the vine and  
 C break  

C        C/B    Am      C/G      F         Ab  G  C  
 Walking in the park to hear the chimes 

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Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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