Dr. Feelgood

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Hong Kong Money Teclado

Dr. Feelgood



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Hong Kong Money

(Lee Brilleaux/John Martin/John Mayo/John B. Sparks/Pete Wingfield)



It's an eastern promise, it's a pot of gold 
It's the oldest story that's ever been told, that's right 
You can follow me but you gonna have to pay 
Heaven's at the end of this alleyway tonight 

E A Hong Kong money E Let that dollar roll G A All you need is the cash C G The rest ain't nothing but trash A E Hong Kong money E Stole my soul
E Tried hard to shake it but I Guess I couldn't make it E Lord only knows it's hard on the opium run A I didn't really wanna hang around too long E Just wasn't my dish of egg fou yung no fun
E A Hong Kong money E Let that dollar roll G A Just as long as you make with the green C G You'll be cool if you know what I mean A E Hong Kong money E Stole my soul
Harmonica Solo E A E F# G D E F# G D E E You can make it quick but you can lose it easy E You go in clean but you come out breezy, here's why A It's that yellow powder, it's sweet but it's sour E One false move and you can kiss this world goodbye
E A Hong Kong money E Let that dollar roll G A All you need is the cash C G The rest ain't nothing but trash D E Hong Kong money E Stole my sou
l Guitar Solo E A E F# G D E F# G D E Outro E Hey you! E F# G D E Let it roll, let it roll, let it roll F# G D E x3 (to fade)

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