Dont Stop Or Well Die

Início > Dont Stop ... > acordes

Lisa Teclado

Dont Stop Or Well Die



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Tono:  D# Más
Lisa Key A#A#
Lisa Key BB
Lisa Key CC
Lisa Key C#C#(Disminuir uno tono)
Lisa Key DD(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Lisa Key D#D#(tono original)
Lisa Key EE(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Lisa Key FF(Aumentar uno tono)
Lisa Key F#F#
Lisa Key GG
Lisa Key G#G#
Lisa Key AA
	  Standard, no capo 

D# G# Cm G#  

D#                      G#                                Cm 
I know a girl named Lisa. She's eatin' all the pizza 
Eatin' pepperoni. She gave it to her best friend Tony 
D#                      G#                                Cm 
I know a girl named Tina. She really like that pizza 
Eatin' pepperoni-roni. She gave it to her best friend Tony 

D# She threw away the crust G# She threw away the crust Cm She threw away the crust G# She threw away the crust
D# G# Cm I know a girl named Lisa. She eatin' all the pizza G# Eatin' pepperoni-roni. She gave it to her best friend Tony D# G# Cm I know a girl named Tina. She really like that pizza G# She eatin' pepperoni-roni. She gave it to her best friend Tony
D# She threw away the crust G# She threw away the crust Cm She threw away the crust G# She threw away the crust
And the crust was all brown She threw it onto the ground. D# G# Cm G# And then she ate the rest D# And then she ate the rest G# Cm She threw away the crust, and then she ate the rest. G# D# She threw away the crust, and then she ate the rest. G# Cm She threw away the crust, and then she ate the rest. G# D# She threw away the crust, and then she ate the rest.

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Disminuir uno semi-tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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