Diamond Youth

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The Feeling Teclado

Diamond Youth



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The Feeling

Tono:  G Más
The Feeling Key DD
The Feeling Key D#D#
The Feeling Key EE
The Feeling Key FF(Disminuir uno tono)
The Feeling Key F#F#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
The Feeling Key GG(tono original)
The Feeling Key G#G#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
The Feeling Key AA(Aumentar uno tono)
The Feeling Key A#A#
The Feeling Key BB
The Feeling Key CC
The Feeling Key C#C#

Intro: G    Em   Bm   D  (2x) 

G      Em 
   You called my name 
   Bm   D 
And you took control 
G     Em 
  Ran me in circles 
Bm     D 
    ah ah ah ah 
G     Em 
   We fell in a hole 
Bm     D 
   You had to go 
G      Em 
   And now I'm left here 
Bm     D 
    ah ah ah ah 


Bm               D         G 
Sleeping with my eyes half closed 
(G)    Bm    D          G 
I know             that I tried my best 
   Bm          D 
To stand on my legs 
    C                      G 
But I just want to make it home 

G        Em 
It never felt so right 
Bm           D 
I thought we had it all 
G      Em              Bm   D 
   I'm weak and this I know ow ow ow 
G     Em 
  You let me go 
  Bm   D 
I fell in a hole 
G     Em                  
  And now I'm stuck here 
Bm     D 
    ah ah ah ah 


Bm               D         G 
Sleeping with my eyes half closed 
(G)    Bm    D          G 
I know             that I tried my best 
   Bm          D 
To stand on my legs 
    C                      G 
But I just want to make it home 

G   Em   Bm   D     

G      Em      Bm 
               I just want to make it 
G      Em      Bm 

G   Em   Bm   D   

G     Em 

Bm               D         G   
Sleeping with my eyes half closed 
  Em    Bm    D         G          Em 
I know             that I tried my best 
   Bm          D 
To stand on my legs 
    C                      G 
But I just want to make it home 

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