Cris Dellano

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Love Is A Many Splendored Thing Teclado

Cris Dellano



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Love Is A Many Splendored Thing

(Paul F. Webster and Sammy Fain)

Introdução: C7/9+ Am7 Dm7/9 G7 C7/9+ Am7 Dm7/9 G7 

C  C/B      Am7      Am7/G    Em 
Love   is a many splendored thing 
Gm7       C7    F    F6     F7M       Dm6         Am 
It's the April rose that only grows in the early spring 
Dm6       Am      Dm7     Am7     Dm6           E7 
Love is nature's way of giving a reason to be living 
  Am     Am7      B7     F#m7 B7  E    G7 
The golden crown that makes a man  a king 
C    C/B  Am7      Am7/G     Em 
Once,     on a high and windy hill 
Gm7           C7  F       F7M       F6    F        Em7         A9 
In  the moonlight mist, two lovers kissed and the world stood still 
 Em7      A7      Dm   Dm7 Dm6       E7/13- 
Then your fingers touched my silent heart 
  A7/13-      A7   D7  Bb9 
And taught it how to sing 
Fdim   C   Am   Dm7          G          C   Dm7 G7 
Yes,  true love's   a many splendored thing 
Interlude: C7/9+ Am7 Dm7/9 G7 C C/B Am7 Am7/G Em Am Am7 B7 F#m7 B7 E G7                   
C    C/B  Am7      Am7/G     Em 
Once,     on a high and windy hill 
Gm7           C7  F       F7M       F6    F        Em7         A9 
In  the moonlight mist, two lovers kissed and the world stood still 
 Em7      A7      Dm   Dm7 Dm6       E7/13- 
Then your fingers touched my silent heart 
  A7/13-      A7   D7  Bb9 
And taught it how to sing 
Fdim   C   Am    Dm7             G      C7/9+ Am7 Dm7 G7 C7M 
Yes,  true love's    a many splendored thing 

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