Casual Way

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The Girl Outside Of Town Teclado

Casual Way



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The Girl Outside Of Town

Intro  E G B (2x) 

E           G             B 
    I can't think about another girl 
                  E      G        B 
    She's like a drug inside my blood 

              D            B 
    It's too long, tell me how to be stronger 
          D           B 
    I'm alone, and my hope is gone 
            D              B              E 
    I'm in love, with the girl outside of town 

E           G                B                         
    I don't know if you feel the same thing 
               E         G       B 
    You're the queen and I'm waiting 

                 D             B 
    But it's too long, tell me how to be stronger 
          D           B 
    I'm alone, and my hope is gone 
           D               B              E  G  B    E  G  B    E  G   B    E   G   B 
    I'm in love, with the girl outside of to-oh-own, oh oh oh, ouh ouh ouh, ouh ouh ouh 

D                B 
    Hey I got it, but I'm so beat 
D              B 
    Are you ok, to go away 
D                  B                   E 
    Yeah together, for worse of for better 

E          G                B 
    It's a dream, but maybe one day real 
           E           G       B 
    Yeah I guess we're gonna meet 

                 D             B 
    But it's too long, tell me how to be stronger 
          D           B 
    I'm alone, and my hope is gone 
           D               B              E  G  B    E  G  B    E  G   B    E   G   B 
    I'm in love, with the girl outside of to-oh-own, oh oh oh, ouh ouh ouh, ouh ouh ouh  

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