Carbon Leaf

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The Donnybrook Affair Teclado

Carbon Leaf



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The Donnybrook Affair


   D                 G            D 
 A row, a ruction, a fracas, an affray 
   G                D 
 A rough and tumble free-for-all 
 A broil, A brawl,A melee, 
   D                              G             D 
 A ruckus to be reckoned with and now without delay 
       G                      D  
 We're taking the road to the Dodder on down 
    A                 D 
 To march in the last parade 

 A row, a ruction, a fracas, an affray 
 A rough and tumble free-for-all 
 A broil, A brawl, A melee, 
 A ruckus to be reckoned with if anyone wants to dare 
 We're taking the road to the Dodder on down 
 For the Donnybrook affair.  

 G          C               G 
 I will go, I will meet you there 
 C              G                D 
 I will spend a week or two with you at Donnybrook Fair 
 G          C               G 
 I will go, I will meet you there 
         C               G 
 But the council's up in arms, 
             D               G 
 They aim to take it away, I swear! 
     C               G 
 The council's up in arms 
             D               G 
 They aim to take it away, I swear. 

 A license for leisure, 
 Whatever be the pleasure, 
 The council's always up in arms 
 To try and take it away, hey! 

 Break 1: D  

 Play the harp and play the fiddle, 
 G                D 
 Play the whistle too,  
 G                 D 
 Bang the drum and use the lungs 
 To get the message through 
 But you fight, you might get tar-and-feathered, 
     G             D 
 So, bow and say a prayer, 
        G                  D 
 To the Commission for the Abolition 
 A                 D 
 Of the Donnybrook Fair. 


 I will go, I will meet you there 
 I will spend a week or two with you at Donnybrook Fair 
 I will go, I will meet you there 
 But the council's up in arms 
 They aim to take it away, I swear 
 The council's up in arms 
 They aim to take it away, I swear 

 A license for leisure, 
 Whatever be the pleasure, 
 The council's always up in arms 
 To try and take it away, hey! 

 Whistle Break: 

  C F C F C G C  C F C F C G C  

  G C G C G D G G C G C G D G C G D G  


 Chorus X2 

 I will go, I will meet you there 
 I will spend a week or two with you at Donnybrook Fair 
 I will go, I will meet you there 
 But the council's up in arms 
 And they aim to take it away, I swear 

 I will go, I will meet you there 
 I will spend a week or two with you at Donnybrook Fair 
 I will go, I will meet you there 
 But the council's up in arms 
 They aim to take it away, I swear 
 The council's up in arms 
 They aim to take it away, I swear 
 The council's always up in arms 
 To try and take it away, hey! 


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