Candice Accola

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Drink To My Freedom Teclado

Candice Accola



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Drink To My Freedom


Intro: F#m 

verse 1: 

We were so good together  

So it didn’t last forever  
It’s only been a week  
                                        A E 
But when we speak it’s like it’s been a year  
Your picture’s still in my wallet  

I drew a stash and a mullet  
D                                                      A E 
I have to say you look a little better than you did on tour  
            Bm    F#m E  D                     A 
Now you’re just a memory fading like the day before  

A E So let’s drink to my freedom E Bm And how I don’t really need him Bm D He's not calling me for days D A In his dirt bong water haze A E Let’s drink to my freedom E Bm I got so many reasons Bm D Db F#m So pour another glass for me
Interlude: F#m verse 2: F#m I know we both know it’s over But couldn’t you wait a little longer D A E To bring her to a party when you knew that I would be there too F#m You seem like you really love her She’s probably just like your mother D A E A crazy psycho bitch who’s got you wrapped around her finger too Bm F#m E D A Now you’re stuck with a girl like I was almost stuck with you
A E So let’s drink to my freedom E Bm And how I don’t really need him Bm D His idea for a date D A Is probably statutory rape A E Let’s drink to my freedom E Bm I got so many reasons Bm D Db Bb So pour another glass for me
Solo: F#m F# F#m F# E BmD A E F#m F# Bridge: A E (A & E strum DOWN once) Lookin’ back, I lost track Bm D A E On why I was ever so insane in the game without you E F# Let’s drink to my freedom
B F# So let’s drink to my freedom Db And how I don’t really need him E ‘Til I see him in his Porsche B With another stupid whore F# let’s drink to my freedom E I got so many reasons F# E So pour another glass B Pour one more F# For me B for me E To my freedom B for me B F# Let’s drink to my freedom

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