Caio Fernando

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Never Come Back To Me Again Teclado

Caio Fernando



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Never Come Back To Me Again

Dm                                 Gm 
It's just fear of things from the heart 
Am                        F 
Which makes me afraid to try 
Dm                         Gm 
Step feeling so cold loneliness 
And it is then 
that I will write 
      F            E 
and I regret 

Am                        C 
And so then, that everything 
F                            E 
falls back into the wilderness. 
Am                        C 
And so then, that everything 
F                      E 
never come back to me again 

(Am C F E E Am C F E E Am C F E) 

Dm                               Gm 
Because of your confidence i'm blame 
Am                               F 
Because of my desire i'm now flaming 

I believe on the disgrace 
everything is against me 
Am                              F 
no matter the importance of things 
because all the doors closed to me 

(Am C F E E Am C F E E Am C F E E) 

Ooh... Ooh... 
Never Come Back To Me Again 

What's your feeling? 
What's your feeling? 
What's your feeling? 
What you giving? 
Where is your smile? 
What's all about? 
Gone of a empty hall 
I don't want your fall 
I don't believe in your smile 

I'll be back to stay a better man 
Because you don't matter for me 
I can't understand... 

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