Cage The Elephant

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Cigarette Daydreams Teclado

Cage The Elephant



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Cigarette Daydreams

(Brad Shultz, Jared Champion, Lincoln Parish, Matt Shultz, Daniel Tichenor)



Chords used: D, Dmaj7, Em, 
G, A, Bm, F#m 


D - Dmaj7 - Em - G - A 

D                        Dmaj7 
Did you stand there all alone 
Em            G        A 
Oh I cannot explain what's going down 
D                    Dmaj7 
I can see you standing next to me 
Em        G        A 
In and out somewhere else right now 

D        Dmaj7     Bm 
You sigh look away 
G           A 
I can see it clear as day 
D              Dmaj7      Bm 
Close your eyes so afraid 
G             A 
Hide behind that baby face 

D - Dmaj7 - Bm - Em 
Bm D You can drive all night G F#m Looking for the answers in the pouring rain Bm D G You wanna find peace of mind F#m Looking for the answer
D - Dmaj7 - Em - G - A D Dmaj7 Funny how it seems like yesterday Em G A As I recall you were looking out of place D Dmaj7 Gathered up your things and slipped away Em G A No time at all I followed you into the hall D Dmaj7 Bm Cigarette daydream G A You were only seventeen D A/C# Bm Soft speak with a mean streak G A Nearly brought me to my knees D - Dmaj7 - Bm - Em
Bm D You can drive all night G F#m Looking for the answers in the pouring rain Bm D G You wanna find peace of mind F#m Looking for the answer Bm D G If we could find a reason, a reason to change F#m Looking for the answer Bm D G If you can find a reason, a reason to say F#m Standing in the pouring rain
------------ Instrumental ------------ Em - A - Em - D - A (2x) ---------- Chorus out ----------

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