Built To Spill

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Hindight Teclado

Built To Spill



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Tono:  A Más
Hindight Key EE
Hindight Key FF
Hindight Key F#F#
Hindight Key GG(Disminuir uno tono)
Hindight Key G#G#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Hindight Key AA(tono original)
Hindight Key A#A#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Hindight Key BB(Aumentar uno tono)
Hindight Key CC
Hindight Key C#C#
Hindight Key DD
Hindight Key D#D#

Intro: A 

A            E 
 hindsight's giving me 
D         A      A4 A 
 too much memory 
D                 A          A4 A   
 there's too much never seen 
 but it's always there 
cuz it's everywhere 

taking my own advice 
worked out for me nice 
but now I come to find 
the tricks we play 
with human brains 

E                                  D 
they don't want to think about the other side 
is that grass just greener cause it's fake 
cuz that's all that we've been told 
since we were five years old 
                  D          D 
is that all we'll ever know 

hindsight brings me down 
it keeps me on the ground 
and though I'm never proud 
I wouldn't dare 
if you weren't there 

the thing with gettin' up 
feels like giving up 
feels like not enough 
you eat a crumb 
and waste a loaf 

they don't want to talk about the other side 
where the grass was greener than they said 
cuz this doesn't bring to mind 
what I'd expect to find 
they must be color blind 

Instrumental like verse 

           A     E D 
what about canada   
what about canada 
this paradise 
of pines and ice 

morning comes in freight ships while you're sleeping 
bad into ideas was no surprise 
we'll wait till the wild has rights 
then never lock doors at night 
and kiss all those wars goodbye  

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