Built To Spill

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Aisle 13 Teclado

Built To Spill



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Aisle 13

Tono:  G Más
Aisle 13 Key DD
Aisle 13 Key D#D#
Aisle 13 Key EE
Aisle 13 Key FF(Disminuir uno tono)
Aisle 13 Key F#F#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Aisle 13 Key GG(tono original)
Aisle 13 Key G#G#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Aisle 13 Key AA(Aumentar uno tono)
Aisle 13 Key A#A#
Aisle 13 Key BB
Aisle 13 Key CC
Aisle 13 Key C#C#

G Em 3x 
G Em C D 
G Em C D 4x 

Em C D Riff: 


G           Em 
  know what 
C          D 
good you've done 
seems like 
on just a whim 
no one 
can be on 
all sides 
at once 


every day 
something strange 
I can't explain 
happens to me 
often I 
am called by name 
to clean up 
aisle 13 

C      G         Em                 Instrumental part 3x first half 
no one knows cuz no one wants to 
know what they might find 
no one sees cuz no one wants to 
C          G        Em    C D       Instrumental part second half 
see what's in their mind 

G  Em      3x 
G Em C D 

don't be all 
so all afraid 
has weird dreams 
one day I'll 
come home to find you 
covered with ants 
cuz you're so sweet 

no one knows cuz no one wants to 
know what they might find 
no one sees cuz no one wants to 
see what's in their mind 

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Aumentar uno tonoAumentar uno tono
Aumentar uno semi-tonoAumentar uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno semi-tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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