Bryan Adams

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Don't Let Go Teclado

Bryan Adams



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Don't Let Go

Áño: 2002 - Álbum: Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron

(Bryan Adams)

Tono:  Em Más
Don't Let Go Key BmBm
Don't Let Go Key CmCm
Don't Let Go Key C#mC#m
Don't Let Go Key DmDm(Disminuir uno tono)
Don't Let Go Key D#mD#m(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Don't Let Go Key EmEm(tono original)
Don't Let Go Key FmFm(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Don't Let Go Key F#mF#m(Aumentar uno tono)
Don't Let Go Key GmGm
Don't Let Go Key G#mG#m
Don't Let Go Key AmAm
Don't Let Go Key A#mA#m
	  Verso 1: 
Em		D 
I can't believe this moment's come 
Am	          C 
It's so incredible that we're alone 
Em	                 D 
There's so much to be said and done 
Am                        C 
It's impossible not to be overcome 
Em                             D 
Will you forgive me if I feel this way 
Am 			  C 
'cause we've just met - tell me that's OK 
Em		   D 
So take this feeling'n make it grow 
Never let it - never let it go 

G D Am C (Dont let go of the things you believe in) You give me something that I can believe in G D Am C (Dont' let go of this moment in time) Go of this moment in time G D Am C (Don't let go of things that you're feeling) I can't explain the things that I'm feeling G D Am (Dont' let go) No, I won't let go
Verso 2: Now would you mind if I bared my soul If I came right out and said your'e beautiful 'cause there's something here I can't explain I feel I'm diving into driving rain You get my senses running wild I can't resist your sweet, sweet smile So take this feeling'n make it grow Never let it - never let it go Ponte: Am G I've been waiting all my life D Em To make this moment feel so right Am D The feel of you just fills the night Am So c'mon - just hold on tight
G D Am C (Dont let go of the things you believe in) You give me something that I can believe in G D Am C (Dont' let go of this moment in time) Go of this moment in time G D Am C (Don't let go of things that you're feeling) I can't explain the things that I'm feeling G D Am (Dont' let go) No, I won't let go

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