Brandon Chandler

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You Bring Me Home Teclado

Brandon Chandler



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You Bring Me Home



C                             G 
My, my, my, I've got so much to say 

Am                       G 
I saw the world today, 

            C                          G 
In your own way, you were right by my side 

       Am               G 
Like nothing ever changed 

      F                                      C 
But hey, hey, hey, it's good to hear 

                             Am             G 
The sound of your voice in my ear 

            F                                             C 
Oh but please, please, please don't be sad 

                          Am                     G 
I know I've been gone for way too long 

You bring me home 

In your own way, you were right by my side 

Like nothing ever changed 

But that's what you do 

You bring me closer to you 

I can't say how long we've been apart 

      F                                      C 
But hey, hey, hey, it's good to hear 

                             Am             G 
The sound of your voice in my ear 

            F                                             C 
Oh but please, please, please don't be sad 

                          Am                     G 
I know I've been gone for way too long 

You bring me home 

You bring me home 

You bring me home 

And I'm almost in your arms 

Just a little too far 

You bring me home 

You bring me home 

And I'm almost in your arms 

But I'm just a little too far 

Please, please, please don't be sad 

I know I've been gone for way too long 

But hey, hey, hey it's good to hear 

The sound of your voice in my ear 

But please, please, please don't be sad 

I know I've been gone for way too long 

For way too long 

For way too long 

For way too long 

You bring me home 

You bring me home 

You bring me home 

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