Brand New Sin

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My Loved Ones Teclado

Brand New Sin



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My Loved Ones

verse 1 

   Dm              F              G              Dm 
                   Gone off to sleep they have, 
   Dm              F              G              Dm 
   my loved ones 
   Dm              F              G              Dm 
                I lay down these fears I’ ve had  
   Dm              F              G              Dm 
   since I was just a boy  

   Dm              F              G              Dm 
             Scribblings in the pages scream 
   Dm              F              G              Dm 
  out at you 
   Dm              F              G              Dm 
   You’ ve seen this,  
   Dm              F              G              Dm 
   and you know this to be true  

Dm F G Dm At last you’ve finally learned Dm F G Dm that “Stones” song Dm F G Dm You crash and you burn, Dm F G Dm and you don’t slow down for the turn
verse 2 Dm F G Dm You constantly contemplate Dm F G Dm what’s best Dm F G Dm The good life Dm F G Dm Or the hell that you detest Dm F G Dm The band always wrecks the song Dm F G Dm like a dirty string Dm F G Dm Snaps when you need it most, Dm F G Dm and slits your wrist as it rings
Dm F G Dm At last you’ve finally learned Dm F G Dm that “Stones” song Dm F G Dm You crash and you burn, Dm F G Dm and you don’t slow down for the turn
BRIDGE F Dm Mind you what’s behind you A# A# It’s gonna find you Dm F G Dm It’s gonna find you SOLO Dm F G Dm ...
Dm F G Dm At last you’ve finally learned Dm F G Dm that “Stones” song Dm F G Dm You crash and you burn, Dm F G Dm and you don’t slow down for the turn

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