Blink 182

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Dumpweed Teclado

Blink 182


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Áño: 1999 - Álbum: Enema of the State

(Delonge / Hoppus)

Tono:  F Más
Dumpweed Key CC
Dumpweed Key C#C#
Dumpweed Key DD
Dumpweed Key D#D#(Disminuir uno tono)
Dumpweed Key EE(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Dumpweed Key FF(tono original)
Dumpweed Key F#F#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Dumpweed Key GG(Aumentar uno tono)
Dumpweed Key G#G#
Dumpweed Key AA
Dumpweed Key A#A#
Dumpweed Key BB
	  E   B   A (4x)    E   B   E   A   (2x) 
  E                              B 
1.   It's understood, I said it many ways, 
A                                B 
    too scared to run, I'm too scared to stay. 
E                         B 
    I said I'd leave, I could never leave her, 
E                               B 
    and if I did, you know I'd never cheat her. 
   E                                 B 
2.    But this I ask, it's what I want to know, 
E                                    B 
    how would you feel, if I should choose to go. 
E                                B 
    Another guy, you think it'd be unlikely, 
A                                 B 
    another guy, you think he'd wanna fight me. 
    E  B  E A  (2x) 
E                            B 
    She's a dove, she's a fucking nightmare, 
A                          B 
    unpredictable, my mistake to stay here. 
E                          B                      A 
    On the go, it's way too late to play, 
                   B                   E                    E  B  E  A (2x) 
    I need a girl that I can train. 
  E                                  B 
2.   I heard it once, I'm sure I heard it twice 
A                                          B 
    My dad used to give me all of his advice 
E                                          B 
    He would say "you gotta turn your back and run now 
A                                   B 
    Come on, son, you haven't got a chance now"  
    E  B  A  (4x)       + CHORUS     + CHORUS    
    E  B   E  B    A  B     A  B  
E               B                    A                  B                   A 
    Need a girl that I can train, need a girl that I can train 
       B                                  E            B                              E 
    turn your back and run now, you haven't got a chance now. 
    E   B   E   A  (2x) 
E               B                    A                  B                   A 
    Need a girl that I can train, need a girl that I can train 
       B                                  E            B                              E 
    turn your back and run now, you haven't got a chance now. 


there is a video lesson for this song
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Aumentar uno tonoAumentar uno tono
Aumentar uno semi-tonoAumentar uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno semi-tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
Disminuir uno tonoDisminuir uno semi-tono
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