Blake Shelton

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Delilah Teclado

Blake Shelton



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Tono:  D Más
Delilah Key AA
Delilah Key A#A#
Delilah Key BB
Delilah Key CC(Disminuir uno tono)
Delilah Key C#C#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Delilah Key DD(tono original)
Delilah Key D#D#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Delilah Key EE(Aumentar uno tono)
Delilah Key FF
Delilah Key F#F#
Delilah Key GG
Delilah Key G#G#

Intro:   D  Bm  C G/B  D  (2x)

D                                     Dmaj7    
I knew the moment that you walked in, you were looking for your old friend 
     G                              D 
Well here I am, it ain't no big sur-prise 
You got a broken heart to kill, tired of knowing how it feels 
G                                D 
When you learn you been living a lie 
        Bm    A      G                    Bm   A    G                          
Oh, and ain't that a shame, you shouldn't feel such pain 

D G But you can't blame no one but you, De-lilah A D A For what you find when you never ever look around D G Reach out for the one right here be-side ya A D And find the one that's never gonna let you down Bm C G/B D Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm
D Dmaj7 So go ahead and take your shot, drink your whiskey on the rocks G D And tell me how you'll never find the one Dmaj7 But Lord knows it hurts me bad every time I see you sad G D Knowing that my love goes on and on Bm A G A Bm A G Oh, it just ain't right, you're a-lone to-night
D G But you can't blame no one but you, De-lilah A D A For what you find when you never ever look around D G Reach out for the one right here be-side ya A D And find the one that's never gonna let you down
Bm C G/B D Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm
D G But you can't blame no one but you, De-lilah A D A For what you find when you never ever look around D G Reach out for the one right here be-side ya A D And find the one that's never gonna let you down
Bm C G/B D Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm D Dmaj7 I knew the moment that you walked in, you were looking for your old friend G D Well, here I am, it ain't no big surprise -----

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