Billy Bragg And Wilco

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Listening To The Wind That Blows Teclado

Billy Bragg And Wilco



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Listening To The Wind That Blows



C C / Em Em / Am Am / Am Dm / Dm Dm / Dm G / G G / 


C             Em             Am 
   There's a girl as she is sleeping 
Dm              Dm          G 
   Sleeping in her sweet repose 
Em                          Am 
   I'm her broken-hearted sweetheart 
D7                              G 
   Listening to that wind that blows 

When my good friends gather 'round me 
Where my graveyard flowers grow 
In my grave I'll be there sleeping 
Listening to that wind that blows 

F C G Blow, wind, blow, long low and lonesome F C G Blow, wind, blow, where no heart knows G I'm your lonesome-hearted listener G Listening to that lonesome wind that blows
C C / Em Em / Am Am / Am Dm / Dm Dm / Dm G / G G / On those ocean sands I wandered Where those whitecap breakers roll I walked along the beach at midnight Listening to that wind that blows In this great and crowded city Where the silver dollar flows Many's a broken-hearted sweetheart Listening to that wind that blows
F C G Blow, wind, blow, long low and lonesome F C G Blow, wind, blow, where no heart knows G I'm your lonesome-hearted listener G Listening to that lonesome wind that blows
C C / Em Em / Am Am / Am Dm / Dm Dm / Dm G / G G / C C / Em Em / Am Am / Am Dm / Dm Dm / Dm G / G G / I dreamt last night we lay together Arm in arm we took a stroll I woke up and the sky was cloudy Listening to that wind that blows Has it come your time to leave me? Has it come your time to go? Always, dear, I'll be here waiting Listening to that wind that blows
F C G Blow, wind, blow, long low and lonesome F C G Blow, wind, blow, where no heart knows G I'm your lonesome-hearted listener G Listening to that lonesome wind that blows
C C / Em Em / Am Am / Am Dm / Dm Dm / Dm G / G G / C C / Em Em / Am Am / Am Dm / Dm Dm / Dm G / G G / C C / Em Em / Am Am / Am Dm / Dm Dm / Dm G / G G / C C / Em Em / Am Am / Am Dm / Dm Dm / Dm G / G G /

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