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Don't Get Bent Out Of Shape Teclado




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Don't Get Bent Out Of Shape


C    F              G 
In '89, I was doin' fine 
C    F      G 
In '92, the bloodhounds bent on you 
C                   F 
Baby had a road map, now it has been lost 
E           D#               G 
The wind is biting down your neck 
G                     C 
Don't get bent out of shape, my friend 
   F                     C 
No don't get bent out of shape 
Though your heart is all twisted 
And every word seems fake 
G                     C 
Don't get bent out of shape 

C              F          G 
Take bricks of shame, you build to live 
C            F           G 
Hang up some ??? on your ribs 
C                             F 
Leave that lonesome shack and let the waters rise 
E               D#               G 
Otherwise you're choking on your tears 
G                     C 
Don't get bent out of shape, my friend 
   F                     C 
No don't get bent out of shape 
Though you're sick of yourself 
And it's too late to escape 
G                     C 
Don't get bent out of shape 

C       F                G 
Cut the crap and cut the beans 
C           F            G 
Launch your eyeball-like machines 
C                      F 
All your grievin' will only make you ill 
   E                   D#             G 
If time won't kill ya, something else will 
G                        C 
So don't get bent out of shape, my friend 
F                     C 
Don't get bent out of shape 
Though your heart is twisted 
And every word seems fake 
G                     C 
Don't get bent out of shape 

F                     C 
Don't get bent out of shape 
F                     C 
Don't get bent out of shape, my friend 
G                     C 
Don't get bent out of shape 

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