Barenaked Ladies

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Wrap Your Arms Around Me Teclado

Barenaked Ladies



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Wrap Your Arms Around Me

(Steven Page/Ed Robertson)


     Am  Am/B      C 
I concede you were right about this place 
      Am             Am/B             C 
I can make a perfect likeness of your body if I trace 
      Am  Am/B      C 
I can hold you 'til you turn out the light 
            Am  Am/B      C 
And I can't see 

         Am   Am/B    C 
Do you believe we are all innately good 
       Am                   Am/B           C 
Do you think that you would love me 'til tomorrow if you could 
          Am    Am/B  C 
Would you please turn down the radio 
          Am  Am/B      C 
So we can speak 

         Em                Em/Gb     Em/G            Em/Gb 
I put my hands around your neck, you wrap your arms around me 
         Em                Em/Gb     Em/G            Em/Gb 
I put my hands around your neck, you wrap your arms around me 
         Em                Em/Gb     Em/G            Em/Gb 
I put my hands around your neck, you wrap your arms around me 
         Em                Em/Gb     Em/G            Em/Gb 
I put my hands around your neck, you wrap your arms around me 


    Am  Am/B   C 
I regret every time I raised my voice 
       Am               Am/B            C 
And it wouldn't be that bright of me to say I had no choice 
      Am  Am/B  C 
I can kiss your eyes, your hair, your neck 
        Am  Am/B    C 
'til we forget 

Repeat intro riff 

     Am  Am/B      C 
I concede you were right about this place 
      Am             Am/B             C 
I can make a perfect likeness of your body if I trace 
      Am  Am/B      C 
I can hold you 'til you turn out the light 
            Am  Am/B      C 
And I can't see 

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