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Me Without You All I Ever Wanted Teclado

All Time Low



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Me Without You All I Ever Wanted

(Alex Gaskarth,dan Book,alexei Misoul)

	  Verse 1: 

        E         B           A 
Do you feel like something's missing 
          E         B           A 
When your skin is pressed to mine? 
           E         B           A 
I would whisper you a riot if you'd listen 
        E         B           A 
To the sound that you've ignored a thousand times 

       C#m       A              B 
'Cause I am only me when I'm without you 

E A All I ever wanted was a part of you that I couldn't break C#m A piece of you that I couldn't take apart A But we're in pieces now E A And all you ever wanted was a part of me that I couldn't fake C#m I never made it easy to shape my heart A But it's not beating now E I have to let you down
Verse 2: E B A There is ice in place of answers E B A And a cold that chills the bones E B A When September came and went without an answer E B A We were left to Fall for Winter on our own C#m A B Now I am only me when I'm without you

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