Alfie Boe

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Trust Teclado

Alfie Boe



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Tono:  A Más
Trust Key EE
Trust Key FF
Trust Key F#F#
Trust Key GG(Disminuir uno tono)
Trust Key G#G#(Disminuir uno semi-tono)
Trust Key AA(tono original)
Trust Key A#A#(Aumentar uno semi-tono)
Trust Key BB(Aumentar uno tono)
Trust Key CC
Trust Key C#C#
Trust Key DD
Trust Key D#D#

Intro: A E A E A E B 

A                          E               A       E 
Oh we’ll jump through hoops and well dance on wires 
A        E                             A               
Walk on broken glass and play with fire 
         E                    A           E 
Oh were blind folded when we turn on the lights 
A             E             A      E 
I know that everything will be all right 

        A       E               A      E 
If you trust in true love and trust in times 
 A          E              B       A      
Trust in forever trust is hard to find 
        E                         A      E 
We can loose ourselves just like lovers do 
       A        E         A       Dbm 
If you trust in me like I trust in you 
 A       E         B        E 
Trust in me like I trust in you 

A  E  A  E 

A        E           A         E 
Too many people have been let down 
   A      E           B       A 
by broken promises on broken ground 
A           E                 
and theres cracks in the pavement 
         A           E 
I dont want to fall through 
A          E          B          A 
hold on to me and ill hold onto you 

        A       E             A        E 
If you trust in true love and trust in time 
A        E                B       A           
Trust is forever trust is hard to find 
        A         E               A     E 
we can loose ourselves just like lovers do 
        A       E          Dbm        
If you trust in me like I trust in you 
A       E          B         A 
Trust in me like I trust in you 

Instrumental Dbm  A  Dbm   B  

A           E              A        E 
Out there I sing this with trusting eyes 
A          E            B             A           
Trying to cut away the good In our lives 
    E              A           E 
I dont care what, what they belive 
A            E       B              A           
With you I have everything that I need 
         A       E             A       E 
If you trust in true love and trust in time 
 A           E            B        A      
Trust is forever trust is hard to find 
        E                        A      E 
We can loose ourselves just like lovers do 
       A         E       A         Dbm 
If you trust in me like I trust in you 
 A       E         B        E 
Trust In me like i trust in you 

A  E  B E 

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