John Williams

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Cantina Band Armónico

John Williams



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Cantina Band

	  -3   +5   -3 +5   -3   +5  
-3   -3'  -3 -3   -3'  -3 -3'' 
-3'' -3'' -2 -2   +2 

-3   +5   -3 +5   -3   +5 
-3   -3'  -3 -3'' -3'' -3''' -3'' 
-4   +4   -3 -3'' 

-3   +5   -3  +5  -3   +5 
-3   -3'  -3  -4  -4   -3 -3'' -2 +2 
+2   -2   -3  -4  
-5   +5   -3' -3  -2 

-3 -2 -3 
-3 -2 -3 
-3 -2 -3' -3 -2 +2 

-3 -2 -3 
-3 -2 -3 
-3 -2 -3' -3 -3 -3'' -1 

-3  -2 -3 
-3  -2 -3 
-3  -2 -3' -3 -2 +2 
+1  +2 -2 
-1' +2 -2 
-3' -3 +2 
+2  -2 +4  +5 -3' -3 -2 

{the above section is followed by some  
repetitive keyboard fill and then repeated  
in whole one more time; this is the popular  
part of the song most people are familiar with; 
the rest of the song consists of a slower 
xylophone part and part of the top section 
of this song played again and faded out 
click on the midi link above to hear 
what this sounds like} 

{Xylophone part}: 
-4  +5o -6 -6 -6 -6  +5o +4 
+6  +6  +6 -7 -7 
+5o +5o -6 -6 -4 +5o -4  +5o -6 
+6  +6  +6 -6 -7 

+7  +7  +8' +7  -8 -8 +7-8 +7 
+6  +6  +6  -7  +8 
+4  +5  -6  -6 
+5o +5o +5o +5o -4 
+6  +6  +6  +6  +6 +6 +6 +6 +5o +5 -4 

-6  -6  -6 -6 +5o -4 
+6  +6  +6 -6 -7 
+5o +5o -6 -6 -4  +5o -4 +5o -6 
+6  +6  +6 -6 -7 

+7 +7 +7 -8 -8 +7 +8' +7 
+6 +6 +6 -7 +8 

+4 +5 +5 -6 +5o +5o +5o +5o 
-4 +6 +6 +6 +6  +6  +6  +6 

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