Tommy Genesis

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Peppers (feat. Lana Del Rey) Acordes

Tommy Genesis



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Peppers (feat. Lana Del Rey)

(Benji Lysaght / Lana Del Rey / Mike Hermosa / Tommy Genesis)

	  C             Bm Am Em 
(You alright?) 

C Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie Bm Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie Am Let me put my hands on your knees You can braid my hair Em Do a fat criss-cross in the back Somewhere, ha C Bm Me and my boyfriend listen to the Chili Peppers Am We write hit songs without tryin’ Like Em All the time, all the time C I take off all my clothes, dance Bm Naked for the neighbors Am I'm like, "Fuck it, gonna give a Em Show," I open up the blinds C I threw caution to the wind, get Onto the bike Bm Take a minute to yourself Skinny-dip in my mind Am Em I'm in love, I’m in love C Got a knife in my jacket, honey, I'm Divine Bm Baby, I'll bring the coffee if you Bring the wine Am Em I'm in love, I'm in love ('Cause I'm In love)
C Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie Bm Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie Am Let me put my hands on your knees You can braid my hair Em Do a fat criss-cross in the back Somewhere, ha C Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie Bm Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie Am Let me put my hands on your knees You can braid my hair Em Do a fat criss-cross in the back Somewhere, ha Cmaj7 Bm I sit, upskirt, I don’t have much To lose Am I got a truck, I take it for a Em Midnight, a midnight drive Yeah Cmaj7 Bm My boyfriend tested positive for Covid, it don't matter Am Em We’ve been kissin', so whatever he Has, I have, I can't cry Cmaj7 I threw caution to the wind, get Onto the bike Bm Take a minute for myself, skinny-dip In my mind Am Em I'm in love, I’m in love (I'm in Love)
C Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie Bm Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie Am Let me put my hands on your knees You can braid my hair Em Do a fat criss-cross in the back Somewhere, ha Cmaj7 I don't know, maybe we should do Bm Something like, like merge this Song Am You know that song, "Wipeout"? Em Yeah, dance type of song
C Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie Bm Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie Am Let me put my hands on your knees You can braid my hair Em Do a fat criss-cross in the back Somewhere, ha C Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie Bm Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie Am Let me put my hands on your knees You can braid my hair Em Do a fat criss-cross in the back Somewhere, ha C Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie Bm Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie Am Let me put my hands on your knees You can braid my hair Em Do a fat criss-cross in the back Somewhere, ha C Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie Bm Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie Am Let me put my hands on your knees You can braid my hair Em Do a fat criss-cross in the back Somewhere, ha

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