Todd Agnew

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The only unchanging one Acordes

Todd Agnew



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The only unchanging one

	  Intro: Em |Am | Em |C | 
Em            Am                     Em 
I looked for love in every single situation 
       C              Em 
For something, someone 
                   Am                  Em 
That would last a lifetime, a love that never dies 
 C      C 
And I find 
      G    D/F#                            Em 
You know when I wake, when I rise, when I pray, when I curse You 
   C                 G 
And You love me the same 
You know when I stumble and fall, and You?re there through it all 
C                    A  B  Em  C 
The only unchanging one 
Em            Am                      Em 
I looked for faith on the edge of my roof 
         C           Em 
No fear, daddy?s here 
                         Am             Em 
Still I struggle to trust You with the rest of my life 
When I could just fly 


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