The Rasmus

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Keep your heart broken Acordes

The Rasmus



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Keep your heart broken

(Aki Hakala/Eero Heinonen/Ylönen Lauri/Pauli Rantasalmi/Lauri Ylönen)

	  Dm                                    Bb 
Enfolding your love in my heart 
             F                 C 
By the dawn I'll be gone 
Dm                        Bb 
The road keeps us apart 
             F                 C 
For sometime I'll be gone 
       Bb                         F                    C 
You promise you swallow your tears when I leave you 
      Bb                                F                    C 
You promise to follow the leads I would give you  
       Bb                                              F                     C 
You said you would crawling in the dark from the laughter 
       Bb                     F               C 
You said you would long after me everyafter 
F                            C                                Bb 
My love will grow black if your heart get stolen 
       F                C 
Just promise to keep your heart 
F                          C                              Bb 
One day I'll come back if the door's still open 
F                       C                      Dm 
Just promise to keep your heart broken 
Dm                         Bb 
Days go by like the wind 
             F               C 
And this life is too short 
  Dm                            Bb 
It makes no sense to give in  
         F                          C 
To release you from my thoughts 
Bb                F                 C 
I promise to lied you I'll always remember 
Bb                 F                 C 
I promise to try for goodbye 'till December 
Bb                  F                 C 
I said I must go, I must face this disaster 
       Bb               F              C 
You said I was come after you everyafter 
F                            C                                Bb 
My love will grow black if your heart get stolen 
       F                C 
Just promise to keep your heart 
F                          C                              Bb 
One day I'll come back if the door's still open 
F                       C                      Dm 
Just promise to keep your heart broken 
 Dm    Bb   F   C   X2 
F                            C                                Bb 
My love will grow black if your heart get stolen 
       F                C 
Just promise to keep your heart 
F                          C                              Bb 
One day I'll come back if the door's still open 
F                       C                      Dm 
Just promise to keep your heart broken 
Bb            F              C 
Forever and after my love 
F                  C                            Dm 
Just promise to keep your heart broken 


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